The Supergirl pilot is right around the corner, and with that we figured we’d like to shed some light on The Lost Daughter of Krypton. If you already watched the aforementioned “leaked” pilot then you’d think she was an overly breathy, insecure girl who worries about getting her bosses coffee order right rather than saving the city. Well listen up…. you’re right, the pilot was sub par but the character is actually pretty interesting so sit back and lets talk Supergirl.
Watch out newest lady nerd Kaitlyn break down supergirl above… or if you’re not the video viewing type. Check out her biography here:
Supergirl (or “Super-Girl”) Initially appeared in Superman #123. Jimmy Olsen had used a magic totem to wish a “Super-Girl” into existence to assist Superman in his crime fighting adventures. Superman quickly gets annoyed with her as the two constantly butt heads and get in each other’s way. Shortly thereafter, Super-Girl is tragically injured by a kryptonite meteor while attempting to save Superman. After much suffering, Super-Girl pleas for Jimmy Olsen to undo his wish to which he obeys, wishing a dying Super-Girl out of existence.

DC used this to test the waters and gauge public response from readers to see if a Supergirl character could be used as an actual recurring hero. There were several other previous attempts at the character, including Lois Lane’s dream as “Superwoman.”
After positive fan response the first recurring Supergirl, Kara Zor-El, debuted in Action Comics #252. After the destruction of Krypton, Kara’s hometown of Argo City had survived drifting through space. Kara is sent to Earth by her father Zor-El when Argo City becomes bombarded with green kryptonite meteors, slaying all its inhabitants.

After landing on Earth, Kara adopts powers similar to Superman and takes on the secret identity of Linda Lee. She becomes a resident of Midvale Orphanage and is later adopted by Fred and Edna Danvers. After gaining control of her powers and with her cousin Superman’s blessing, Kara begins operating as Supergirl, battling such foes as Black Flame and Reactron (to name a few.)

Much like most superheroes Kara was not safe from the dreaded reboot and met her demise in DC’s crisis on Infinite Earths in the mid 80s. Kara was killed after sacrificing herself to save Superman and the entire multiverse itself, leaving Supes to be the sole surviving Kryptonian yet again. Following the crisis, DC initially wrote Kara out of the continuity. No one remembered Kara’s existence or death until Donna Troy inherited the Harbinger’s Orb and was able to recall Kara’s sacrifice.

Supergirl had her hands full in the new 52. Kara crash lands in Russia, gets kryptonite poisoning, saves the universe from Braniac and Cyborg Superman, and becomes a Red Lantern causing her to wander the universe in an uncontrollable rage.

So now you know the Supergirl basics. There’s a lot more to the character than just a coffee girl as the pilot made it seem. The Supergirl series has some potential and let’s hope CBS takes it in the right direction, Up up and away!
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